Get Consent status



Get the status of the customer consent for bank account data

For endpoint authorization use Authorization: AppUserToken {customer_token} header. Create customer tokento use it in the header.


ParameterData typeRequired?Description
bank_slugstringyesBank slug

Query parameters


Request Body Parameters


Response Body Parameters

ParameterData typeRequired?Description
consent_idstringyesID of the customer consent for bank account data
creation_date_timeintyesCreation timestamp of the consent
statusstringyesStatus of the customer consent. Allowed values: Authorised, AwaitingAuthorisation, Rejected, Revoked
status_update_date_timeintyesUpdate timestamp of the consent
permissionsarrayyesArray of permissions which were requested
expiration_date_timeintnoTimestamp of consent expiration. Can be null.
transaction_from_date_timeintyesTimestamp since when bank account data will accessed from the bank. By default Planky tries to pull 5 years of the data. Note that banks can restrict data history to a specific period.
transaction_to_date_timeintyesTimestamp till when bank account data will accessed from the bank. By default it is 3 months.

Request example

1 2 3 curl --location --request GET '{bank_slug}/consent/status' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: AppUserToken {customer_token}'

Response example:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 { "consent_id": "abc", "creation_date_time": 1642076018, "status": "AwaitingAuthorisation", "status_update_date_time": 1642076018, "permissions": [ "ReadAccountsBasic", "ReadAccountsDetail", "ReadBalances", "ReadBeneficiariesBasic", "ReadBeneficiariesDetail", "ReadDirectDebits", "ReadTransactionsCredits", "ReadTransactionsDebits", "ReadTransactionsDetail" ], "expiration_date_time": null, "transaction_from_date_time": 1547381617, "transaction_to_date_time": 1649852017 }

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