iOS Build UX SDK

SDK is no longer supported. Please switch to using the Custom UX/UI Flow for iOS App integration.


The Planky Connect API Wrapper allows you build custom UX to connect bank accounts by using the Planky REST API.


  1. Xcode 10 or greater
  2. iOS 12.3 or greater

Quickstart Demo App

Clone and run the demo project from our GitHub repository.

Integrating with Planky

You can select which environment you want to use the Planky SDK

sandboxUse this environment to test your integration
productionUse this environment when deploying the live application

These environments are listed in the SDK as below

1 2 Environment.sandbox Environment.production


Planky Connect is a framework distributed using CocoaPods dependency manager. If you are not familiar with this concept, please follow detailed instructions here.

To integrate, add PlankyConnectApi to your Podfile

1 pod 'FriendlyScoreConnectApi', '~> 0.2.0'

then run following command in your project main directory:

1 pod install

CocoaPods will install and embed all sources and dependencies into your app.

1. Get User token

A user token can be created for the user using the customer_id. A customer_id is available after creating the user Create Customer

You must then use the customer_id to create user_token Create User Token

2. Create the Planky Client

Choose the environment you want to integrate.

1 2 3 var environment: Environment = Environment.sandbox var fsClient: FriendlyScoreClient = FriendlyScoreClient(environment: environment)

The fsClient will be required to make other requests

3. Get List of Banks

You can obtain the list of banks for the user.

In order to receive response you must implement closures requestSuccess, requestFailure, otherError.

Required parameters:

userTokenUser Token obtained from your server
requestSuccessif the status code is between [200,300). Response type Array<UserBank>
requestFailureif there was request failure, (status code = 401, 403, 500 etc..). Response type MoyaResponse
otherErrorAny other error such as timeout or unexpected error. Response type Swift.Error?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 var userToken: String = "User Token obtained from your server" fsClient?.fetchBankList(userToken: userToken, requestSuccess: { bankList in }, requestFailure: { moyaresponse in let statusCode = moyaResponse.statusCode let data: Data = }, otherError: { error in print(error.debugDescription) } )

Find the important values for each bank that will be required for the UI and future requests. Below is an example of how to retrieve values for the first bank from the list.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 //Showing the important variables for the first bank var selectedBank: UserBank = self.bankList![0] //Slug of the bank. Will be required for other end points var bankSlug: String = //If the user has connected accounts from this bank var connected: Bool? = selectedBank.connected! //The flag when true indicates the bank APIs are available var isActive: Bool? = //Url for the logo of the selected bank var bankLogoUrl: URL? = //Max number of months in the past to access data var maxMonthsInPast: Int = (!)! //Max number of months in the future to access data var maxMonthsInFuture: Int = (!)! //Accounts for the user, if the user has connected the account var bankAccountList: Array<BankAccount> = bankList[0].accounts;

The bankSlug value in the code block above is used across all the endpoints to build the rest of the user journey.

The maxMonthsInPast and maxMonthsInFuture variables in the block above are the maximum number of months in past and future for which account information can be accessed. You must use these values to calculate timestamps for future requests.

4. Get Bank Consent Screen Information

Once the user has selected a bank from the list you must show the user the necessary information, as required by the law.

In order to receive response you must implement closures requestSuccess, requestFailure, otherError.

Required parameters:

userTokenUser Token obtained from your server
bankSlugSlug for the bank user has selected from the list of banks.
transactionFromTimeStampInSecTime stamp in seconds. Set to null to use default.
transactionToTimeStampInSecTime stamp in seconds. Set to null to use default.
requestSuccessif the status code is between [200,300). Response type ConsentScreenInformation
requestFailureif there was request failure, (status code = 401, 403, 500 etc..). Response type MoyaResponse
otherErrorAny other error such as timeout or unexpected error. Response type Swift.Error?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 var userToken: String = "User Token obtained from your server" fsClient?.fetchConsentScreenInformation(userToken: userToken, slug:, transactionFromTimeStampInSec: dateFrom, transactionToTimeStampInSec: dateTo, requestSuccess: { consentScreenInfo in print(consentScreenInfo.metadata?.terms_and_condition_url) print(consentScreenInfo.consents) }, requestFailure: { failureResponse in let statusCode: Int = failureResponse.statusCode let responseData: Data = }, otherError: { error in print(error.debugDescription) })

The ConsentScreenInformation includes 2 objects: metadata and consents.

You can use information in metadata to build your custom consent information text. The consents object provides ready-to-use text to build the consent screen.

5. Get Bank Flow Url

Make this request from the consent screen after the user has seen all the information that will is being requested.

You must make this request to get the url to open the Bank Flow for users to authorize access account information.

In order to receive response you must implement closures requestSuccess, requestFailure, otherError.

Required parameters:

userTokenUser Token obtained from your server
bankSlugSlug for the bank user has selected from the list of banks
transactionFromTimeStampInSecTime stamp in seconds. Use the same value as used in the Consent screen endpoint. Set to null to use default
transactionToTimeStampInSecTime stamp in seconds. Use the same value as used in the Consent screen endpoint. Set to null to use default.
redirectUriThis must be the scheme you are using to bring the user back to your app. It must be the same as set in the Planky developer console. For details on setting the app for redirection see section 7.
requestSuccessif the status code is between [200,300). Response type BankFlowUrl
requestFailureif there was request failure, (status code = 401, 403, 500 etc..). Response type MoyaResponse
otherErrorAny other error such as timeout or unexpected error. Response type Swift.Error?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 //Redirect Uri you have set in the Planky developer console. let redirectUriValue: String = "YOUR_APP_REDIRECT_SCHEME" fsClient?.fetchBankFlowUrl(userToken: userToken, slug: bankSlug, transactionFromTimeStampInSec: dateFrom, transactionToTimeStampInSec: dateTo, redirectUri: redirectUriValue, requestSuccess: { bankFlowUrl in print( bankFlowUrl.url) }, requestFailure: { failureResponse in let statusCode: Int = failureResponse.statusCode let responseData: Data = }, otherError: { error in print(error.debugDescription) })

From BankFlowUrl extract the url value and trigger it to start the authorization process with the bank.

6. Redirect back to the app

The user is redirected back to your app after a user successfully authorizes, cancels the authorization process or any other error during the authorization.

Your app must handle redirection for:

/openbanking/codesuccessful authorization by user. It should have parameters bank_slug
/openbanking/errorerror in authorization or user did not complete authorization. It should have 2 parameters: bank_slug and error

In order to handle redirection properly, listen to url in the function application(_:open:options:):

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 func application( _ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey: Any] = [:]) -> Bool { //Extract url parameters return true }

7. Adding URL Types

Go to the Redirects section of the Planky developer console and provide your Bundle Identifier.

Navigate to your app target, create new URL Types object and add your bundle identifier to Identifier and URL Schemes field, as below:

8. Delete Account Consent

Make this request to allow the user to delete consent to access account information.

In order to receive response you must implement closures requestSuccess, requestFailure, otherError.

Required parameters:

userTokenUser Token obtained from your server
bankSlugSlug for the bank
requestSuccessif the status code is between [200,300). Response type Void
requestFailureif there was request failure, (status code = 401, 403, 500 etc..). Response type MoyaResponse
otherErrorAny other error such as timeout or unexpected error. Response type Swift.Error?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 var userToken: String = "User Token obtained from your server" fsClient?.deleteBankConsent(userToken: userToken, slug: bankSlug, requestSuccess: { _ in }, requestFailure: { moyaresponse in let statusCode = moyaResponse.statusCode let data: Data = }, otherError: { error in print(error.debugDescription) } )

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Friendly Score UK Ltd.

84 Brook Street

London W1K 5EH

Call us on +44 20 3709 6726

Company registered in England

Company number 09168668, ICO ZA111687

VAT registration number 206 9758 80

Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. (FRN: 821100, 781963)