Get Insights for Business Accounts




ParameterData typeRequired?Description
customer_idstringyesCustomer ID

Query parameters


Request Body Parameters


Response Body Parameters

ParameterData typeRequired?Description
incomeIncomeyesTotal monthly income with breakdowns by transaction category
expenditureExpenditureyesTotal monthly expenditures with breakdowns by transaction category
financial_patternsFinancial PatternsyesHistorical trends of key metrics at transaction level
financial_markersFinancial MarkersyesMetrics that are indicative of some measure of financial risk
employmentEmploymentyesCalculated and inferred metrics related to customer's payroll transactions


ParameterData typeRequired?Description
currencystringyesCurrency code (compatible with ISO 4217)
monthly_amountsMonthly AmountyesArray of total monthly amounts
categoriesCategory IncomeyesArray of monthly amounts by category


ParameterData typeRequired?Description
currencystringyesCurrency code (compatible with ISO 4217
monthly_amountsMonthly AmountyesArray of total monthly amounts
categoriesCategory ExpenditureyesArray of monthly amounts by category

Financial Patterns

ParameterData typeRequired?Description
currencystringyesCurrency code (compatible with ISO 4217)
recurrenceRecurring TransactionsyesStatistics for recurring transactions
by_categoryCategory TrendsyesStatistics by transaction category


ParameterData typeRequired?Description
number_of_salariesintegeryesNumber of Payrolls
expected_salaryExpected SalaryyesVariable shows the list of expected salary payments by the customer
currencystringyesCurrency code (compatible with ISO 4217)

Expected Salary

ParameterData typeRequired?Description
amountfloatyesValue of expected salary
expected_pay_dateintegeryesTimestamp of the next expected salary
pay_frequencystringyesFrequency of the expected salary. Available values: Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Irregular

Income Proportion

ParameterData typeRequired?Description
sales_proportionfloatyesVariable indicates ratio of sales income to total income
services_proportionfloatyesVariable indicates ratio of services income to total income
other_income_proportionfloatyesVariable indicates ratio of all incomes except sales and services to total income

Expense Proportion

ParameterData typeRequired?Description
fixed_proportionfloatyesVariable indicates ratio of fixed expenditures to total expenditures
flexible_proportionfloatyesVariable indicates ratio of flexible expenditures to total expenditures

Monthly Amount

ParameterData typeRequired?Description
amountfloatyesValue in associated currency

Category Income

ParameterData typeRequired?Description
namestringyesCategory name
monthly_amountsMonthly AmountyesArray of monthly amounts

Category Expenditure

ParameterData typeRequired?Description
namestringyesCategory name
fixed_flexiblestringyesVariable indicating whether the corresponding transaction category represents a fixed or flexible expenditure
monthly_amountsMonthly AmountyesArray of monthly amounts

Recurring Transactions

ParameterData typeRequired?Description
descriptionstringyesTransaction description
average_amountfloatyesAverage value of recurring transactions
amount_variancefloatyesVariance in the value of recurring transactions
transaction_idsarrayyesArray of recurring transaction id
amount_stability_of_transactionfloatyesAmount Consistency - Determines how consistent are the monthly amounts within the group. 1.0 means the values are the same.
frequency_stability_of_transactionfloatyesRegularity - Determines how regular in time are transaction to each other. 1.0 means exactly the same period of time between transactions.
time_stability_of_transactionfloatyesLongevity - Determines for how long we have transactions in the group. 1.0 means the transactions occur in each of the last 12 months.

Category Trends

ParameterData typeRequired?Description
categorystringyesCategory name
minfloatyesMinimum transaction value within category
meanfloatyesMean transaction value within category
maxfloatyesMaximum transaction value within category
variancefloatyesVariance in transaction value within category
frequencyfloatyesAverage number of transactions per month within category
continuityintegeryesLongest number of consecutive months in which transactions from a given category occur
recencyintegernoMonths since last transaction within a given category occurred
amount_stability_of_categoryfloatyesAmount Consistency - Determines how consistent are the monthly amounts within the category. 1.0 means the values are the same.
frequency_stability_of_categoryfloatyesRegularity - Determines how regular in time are transactions in the category. 1.0 means exactly the same period of time between transactions.
time_stability_of_categoryfloatyesLongevity - Determines for how long we have transactions in the category. 1.0 means the transactions occur in each of the last 12 months.

Financial Markers

ParameterData typeRequired?Description
currencystringyesCurrency code (compatible with ISO 4217)
new_debt_indicatorbooleanyesFlag indicating the presence of a new debt product on the customer’s account over the last six months
debt_management_indicatorbooleanyesFlag indicating the presence of any payments to a debt collection, recoveries or management company on the customer’s account over the last twelve months
recent_account_indicatorbooleanyesFlag indicating whether the account has up to recent three months of transactions data
mortgage_rent_indicatorbooleanyesDetermines mortgage/rent payments are detected in the most recent 12 months
insurance_indicatorbooleanyesDetermines insurance payments are detected in the most recent 12 months
high_cost_short_term_credit_indicatorbooleanyesFlag indicating the presence of high cost short term loan over the last twelve months
profitability_ratiofloatyesThe ratio of total sales and services incomes to total expenditures over the last twelve months
negative_balance_ratiofloatyesThe percentage of time the customer spends with a negative total balance over the last twelve months
bank_chargesMonthly StatisticsyesCount of the number of times a customer has been penalised by their bank for some adverse activity (such as unarranged overdraft usage, unpaid standing orders and interest charged) over the last three, six and twelve months.
income_proportionIncome ProportionyesThe ratio of sales, services and other incomes to total income
expense_proportionExpense ProportionyesThe ratio of fixed and flexible expenditures to total expenditures
returned_direct_debitsMonthly StatisticsyesCount of the number of returned direct debits over the last three, six and twelve months
credit_repaymentsRate StatisticsyesCredit repayment statistics over the last twelve months
debit_bank_transferRate StatisticsyesDebit bank transfer statistics over the last twelve months
summary_averagesAverage StatisticsyesAverage statistics for expenditures and incomes over the last twelve months

Monthly Statistics

ParameterData typeRequired?Description
num_last_3mOccurrenceyesStatistics over last three months
num_last_6mOccurrenceyesStatistics over last six months
num_last_12mOccurrenceyesStatistics over last twelve months


ParameterData typeRequired?Description
ratio_to_incomefloatyesRatio to income
total_amountfloatyesTotal amount

Rate Statistics

ParameterData typeRequired?Description
rate_of_changefloatyes Variable which describes the rate of change of contributions from a given transaction category. This is calculated by comparing the most recent three-month average value to the average value over the period of evaluation
pred_next_monthfloatyesVariable is deprecated
ratio_to_incomefloatyesAverage monthly payment from transaction category as a percentage of average monthly income
ratio_to_recurring_incomefloatyesAverage monthly payment from transaction category as a percentage of average monthly recurring income
countintegeryesTotal Count of Incidents in the last 12 months
total_amountsTotal AmountyesTotal Amount

Average Statistics

ParameterData typeRequired?Description
average_fixed_expfloatyesAverage fixed expenditure
average_flexible_expfloatyesAverage flexible expenditure
average_incomefloatyesAverage income

Request example

1 2 3 curl --location --request GET '{customer_id}/insights/current_business' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer {access_token}'

Response example:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 { "income": { "currency": "GBP", "monthly_amounts": [ { "amount": "22.35", "year": "2019", "month": "11" } ], "categories": [ { "name": "Salary", "monthly_amounts": [ { "amount": "22.35", "year": "2019", "month": "11" } ] } ] }, "expenditure": { "currency": "GBP", "monthly_amounts": [ { "amount": "22.35", "year": "2019", "month": "11" } ], "categories": [ { "name": "Hobby", "fixed_flexible": "fixed", "monthly_amounts": [ { "amount": "22.35", "year": "2019", "month": "11" } ] } ] }, "financial_patterns": { "currency": "GBP", "recurrence": [ { "description": "Granny's Bakery", "average_amount": "22.35", "amount_variance": "0.2", "transaction_ids": [ "string" ] } ], "by_category": [ { "category": "Groceries & Supplies", "min": "5.05", "mean": "8.05", "max": "15.02", "variance": "0.5", "frequency": "15.5", "continuity": "6", "recency": "3" } ] }, "financial_markers": { "bank_charges": { "num_last_3m": { "timestamp_from": "1600466400", "timestamp_to": "1608418799", "count": "5" }, "num_last_6m": { "timestamp_from": "1600466400", "timestamp_to": "1608418799", "count": "5" }, "num_last_12m": { "timestamp_from": "1600466400", "timestamp_to": "1608418799", "count": "5" } }, "new_debt_indicator": false, "credit_repayments": { "rate_of_change": "0.66", "pred_next_month": "122.35", "ratio_to_income": "0.07" }, "currency": "GBP", "returned_direct_debits": { "num_last_3m": { "timestamp_from": "1600466400", "timestamp_to": "1608418799", "count": "5" }, "num_last_6m": { "timestamp_from": "1600466400", "timestamp_to": "1608418799", "count": "5" }, "num_last_12m": { "timestamp_from": "1600466400", "timestamp_to": "1608418799", "count": "5" } }, "negative_balance_ratio": 0.5, "debt_management_indicator": false, "debit_bank_transfer": { "rate_of_change": "0.66", "pred_next_month": "122.35", "ratio_to_income": "0.07" }, "summary_averages": { "average_fixed_exp": 0.5, "average_flexible_exp": 0.5, "average_income": 0.5 }, "expense_proportion": { "fixed_proportion": 0.5, "flexible_proportion": 0.5 }, "high_cost_short_term_credit_indicator": false, "profitability_ratio": 0.5, "recent_account_indicator": false, "income_proportion": { "other_income_proportion": 0.5, "sales_proportion": 0.5, "services_proportion": 0.5 } }, "employment": { "number_of_salaries": "2", "expected_salary": [ { "amount": "1220.35", "expected_pay_date": "1608418799", "pay_frequency": "monthly" } ], "currency": "GBP" } }

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Company number 09168668, ICO ZA111687

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Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. (FRN: 821100, 781963)